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13.2.1.r965.5c29283 (build 965) 
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Android 6.0
When developing applications that require root, the most common method is to run some commands in the su shell. For example, the application uses the command: pm enable/disable to enable/disable components. This method has very big drawbacks: Extremely slow (creation of multiple processes). Requires word processing (very unreliable). The ability is limited by the commands available, even if adb has sufficient rights to run the application, but be aware that if you refuse to run it through ADB, then root privileges will be required. Shizuku uses a completely different way. The most important feature that Shizuku provides is to be a sort of intermediary that takes requests from an application, sends them to the system server, and sends back the results. For an application, this is almost identical to using the system APIs directly. But it's much faster because it connects directly to the system. Several apps are already using Shizuku. If you want to integrate it into yours, check out the developer guide. There is also a manual for users. And also, I would like to recall the fact of how much it is needed and is given priority by some software, such as the popular installer of APKS files - SAI, DarQ, SkyDroid, and in general, in many other programs. A complete alternative to root-rights! ◇ Reference Information ◇ When developing applications that require root, the most common method is to run some commands in the su shell. For example, there is an application that uses the pm enable/disable command to enable/disable components. This method has very big drawbacks: Extremely slow (creation of multiple processes). Requires word processing (Very unreliable) Capability is limited by available commands Even if ADB has sufficient permissions, root privileges are required to run the application. Shizuku uses a completely different way. See detailed description below. User manual and download How does Shizuku work? First, we need to talk about how the application uses system APIs. For example, if an application wants to get installed applications, we all know that we should use PackageManager#getInstalledPackages(). It's actually an inter-process communication (IPC) process between the application process and the system server process, it's just that the Android framework has done the inner work for us. Android uses a binder to perform this type of IPC. Binder allows the server side to know the uid and pid of the client side so that the system server can check if the application has permission to perform the operation. Typically, if there is a "manager" (eg PackageManager) for applications that they can use, there should be a "service" (eg PackageManagerService) in the system's server process. We can simply assume that if an application has a "service" binder, then it can interact with the "service". When the application process starts, it receives system service binders. Shizuku recommends that users first run the process, the Shizuku server, as root or ADB. When the app starts, the binding to the Shizuku server will also be sent to the app. The most important feature that Shizuku provides is to be a sort of intermediary that takes requests from an application, sends them to the system server, and sends the results back. You can see the transactRemote method in the class: rikka.shizuku.server.ShizukuService and also in the class: moe.shizuku.api.ShizukuBinderWrapper. So we've reached our goal of using higher resolution system APIs. And for an application, this is almost identical to using the system APIs directly. □ API and sample □ Upgrading to v11 Existing applications continue to work, of course. Tutorial for dummies who don't understand how to use Shizuku: ♤ ATTENTION, NOW LIMITATIONS ARE ABSOLUTELY FOR EVERYONE ♤ You are NOT allowed to use the image files listed below in any way (other than to display Shizuku itself). manager/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png manager/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher_background.png manager/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png manager/src/main /res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png manager/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher_background.png manager/src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png manager/src/main/res/mipmap- xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png manager/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher_background.png manager/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png manager/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher.png manager/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher_background.png manager/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher_foreground.png -something else) in any stores (IBNLT Google Play Store, etc.). Open source: All questions about bugs/bugs/side issues/and many other things you can ask and discuss here: List of all Shizuku changes/releases: Official website of the developer:

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