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APK Editor Master

APK Editor Master


Uploaded by
Re System
0.7R (build 7) 
7.3 MiB
Publish Date
Minimum OS
Android 5.0
Apk Editor Master 0.7R - Fixed bugs in some activities - Fixed error in dex encryption feature - Tested on android 8, 9, 10 and 11 - If there is a problem, you can send feedback - can pass multiple res specs APK Editor Master 0.1R - Appear with a different design with a simple view - Adding a mode option in (Edit Mode) available features: Res Encryption, String Obfuscate and Get Signature there are options for mode options - Added clear history search in Edit Resource, String and Manifest with a simple button for easy cleaning - Added several features such as (SO Editor, Apk Converter, Split Extract, Dex Encryption And Color converter ) This feature is on the front page of the homepage - Added some dialogs and toasts in some activities and you can set them in the settings as they are already available - Added automatic update dialog, you can update the app just inside the app without having to go to other sites - There are many features in the settings options such as the replace toast option (you can change the toast) or hide toast (so that it doesn't appear in some activity) hide update dialog - And you can check later all the features that have not been mentioned above, and if there are problems in the app, please send feedback

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