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30.2.3 (build 2023002030) 
178.6 MiB
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Android 5.0
TikTokMod 30.2.3 - Removed all ads - Made video, pictures and GIFs downloading without watermark to Movies/TikTok folder instead of DCIM/Camera - Removed all restrictions on downloads, you can download any video - Removed many other restrictions - The application was cleaned as much as possible - Maximum compression + ZipAlign - Disabled unnecessary activities - Removed restrictions on duets, stitching - Rewind is now available in any video - Battery drain optimization - Removed regional restrictions - Fixed Google authorization - Fixed Facebook authorization - Fixed Twitter authorization - Fixed VK authorization - Enabled High Quality Audio for live steams - Enabled High Quality Video for live streams - Enabled HD Video upload button - Disabled InAppBillingService - Disabled all types of Analytics - Disabled mandatory login - Added author tag for the name of the downloaded file - Added ability to download profile pictures - Monet app icon for Android 13+ - Added playback speed selection button for all videos - Changed the friends tab to discover as it was before - Disabled data collection and sending to the TikTok server - Added autoscroll button on FYP page - Added partly dark mode which can be turned on if u use specific firmwares like MIUI, ColorOS, etc. BE SURE TO READ - ЧИТАТЬ ПЕРЕД СКАЧИВАНИЕМ - READ BEFORE DOWNLOADING - 下载前请阅读 What's new in this update? - Fixed crashes - Fixed feed loading - Full rewind functionality is no longer possible due to TikTok changes, if the rewind is not displayed scroll forward one video and go back Из-за катастрофически большого размера TikTok я вынужден выложить файл в формате HTML Чтобы получить мод, просто откройте скачанный файл в любом браузере! Due to the disastrously large size of TikTok I have to upload it in HTML To get mod just open the downloaded file in any browser! В ПРИЛОЖЕНИИ ИЗМЕНЕНА ПОДПИСЬ, ПЕРЕД УСТАНОВКОЙ УДАЛИТЕ СТАРОЕ, ЕСЛИ ВЫХОДИТ СООБЩЕНИЕ О ВИРУСЕ ПРОСТО ПРОИГНОРИРУЙТЕ ЕГО THE SIGNATURE IN THE APPLICATION HAS BEEN CHANGED, UNINSTALL THE OLD ONE BEFORE INSTALLING, IF THE VIRUS MESSAGE COMES OUT JUST IGNORE IT МОД СОВМЕСТИМ ТОЛЬКО С ПЛАГИНОМ НИЖЕ, ЕСЛИ У ВАС НЕТ ПЛАГИНА ИЛИ ВЫ ПЫТАЕТЕСЬ УСТАНОВИТЬ ДРУГИЕ МОДЫ, ЭТОГО У ВАС НЕ ВЫЙДЕТ! THE MOD IS ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH THE PLUGIN BELOW, IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A PLUGIN OR ARE TRYING TO INSTALL OTHER MODS, IT WILL NOT WORK!

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