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Version (build 910) 
3.0 MiB
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Minimum OS
Android 6.0
Basic Functions: • View the native library architecture used by the App (no native library/32-bit/64-bit) • View the registered components of the App (service/activity/broadcast receiver/content provider) • Pie chart statistics of the native library architecture distribution Special Feature: • Well-known library tags: update online rule repositories in real time and mark third-party library components • Library reference statistics: count the usage frequency of each library and count the most used SDKs • Package feature analysis: analyze whether the app is Split APKs and whether it is written in Kotlin • Snapshot, save the information of all current applications, and compare the differences between the components before and after the application upgrade Mainstream Architecture: arm64-v8a: 8th generation, 64-bit ARM processor. Android devices produced in recent years are usually armeabi-v7a: 7th generation and above ARM processors. Most Android devices produced after 2011 use this architecture armeabi: 5th and 6th generation ARM processors. Early mobile phones generally use this architecture x86_64: 64-bit tablets or emulators use this architecture ×86: Tablet , The simulator is generally this architecture Official Update: – Fixed the confusion problem of the detail page with static library – Fixed the navigation bar problem of the detail page – Fixed a memory leak – Fixed the dark mode switch invalid – Now there is no native library label showing the CPU’s ABI – Fixed APK analysis sometimes can not see the components of the problem - delete snapshots FAB, now its position in the Toolbar's - chart page to the secondary pages - the rule base now db file distribution - details page now shows the application of sharedUserId - now show application details page All ABIs -Time Node Selection and Management Dialog will now display the latest 5 applications in each snapshot -Now getting the application list will try to bypass some of the restrictions invented by ROM. Read the application list permissions -Replaced with the new Kotlin logo -Setting up You can switch the dark mode -support to identify hap applications and view their Abilities

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