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Link Protector

Link Protector


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2.1.4 (build 26) 
17.4 MiB
Publish Date
Minimum OS
Android 6.0
We interact with hundreds of websites and links on daily basis. Malicious URLs and phishing attacks are common ways to hack user data, and such attacks are becoming normal these days. Link protector detects all types of malicious & dangerous web links and presents a detailed analysis of the URL to protect personal and financial data from hackers/fraudsters. Link Protector is a security service website blocking application that provides protection from insecure links and websites. It scans, detects, and blocks all fake, spam, and insecure URLs, links, and websites. Our best Spam detection algorithm detects and analyzes all types of online threat links and warns the user prior to visiting the site. Link Protector comes with features like URL Shortener, Favourite link manager, and real-time website blocker, user can also scan any QR code using a device camera to prevent QR code scams. How does the Link Protector work? 1. User clicks on the link, URL, or weblink, or scans the QR code using a camera scanner 2. Destination websites including redirects are crawled by our secure web crawlers 3. App provides the best Link security by showing a warning for all kinds of link threats and prevents the online scams Website blocker Website blocker is a useful tool to block malicious or insecure links and unwanted or distracting adult/porn websites. Website blocker works with almost all reputed web browsers and redirects the user to a secure webpage before visiting the blocked site or link.

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