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2.7.8 (build 2780) 
5.9 MiB
Publish Date
5.00 (2)
Minimum OS
Android 4.1
- Mod Info: ■Premium / Paid features unlocked; ■Disabled / Removed unwanted Permissions + Receivers + Providers + Services; ■Optimized and zipaligned graphics and cleaned resources for fast load; ■Ads Permissions / Services / Providers removed from AndroidManifest; ■Ads links removed and invokes methods nullified; ■Ads layouts visibility disabled; ■Google Play Store install package check disabled; ■Debug code removed; ■Remove default .source tags name of the corresponding java files; ■Facebook ads bundled SDK removed completely; ■Landscape mode available; ■Languages: Full Multi Languages; ■CPUs: universal architecture; ■Screen DPIs: 120dpi, 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi; ■Original package signature changed; ■Release by Balatan. This app has no advertisements Minor bug fixes and improvements My APK helps you backup your installed apps. List and install regular APK files split APKs: .apks .aspk .apkm .xapk My APK can be used as an app manager. - List all of your apps. - Filter apps by: system apps user apps bundle apps and disable apps. - Sort apps by name package name installed and updated date app size (ascending or descending). - Search apps quickly by enter its name or package name. - Extract apps (support batch processing and compress to zip file before saving) to APK or split APKs. It is super fast for even many heavy apps and games. - Save APK to SD card/storage easily with a built in File explorer (You can create new folder here if needed). - Check third party app info in a very detail level. It lists all of activities services APK permissions signature min SDK version... used in an app. - Share apps via Bluetooth social network. - Get link games on Play store (support multiple apps) easily. - Create shortcut for app (depends on your launcher the behavior may be different). - Uninstall apps. - Search similar apps on Play store. - Browse app internal and external data folder (works on some file explorers: esfile explorer etc). - Extract app icon for your own purpose. - Support backup for applications installed by the Android App Bundle source (split APKs). My APK can be used as an APK manager. - List all of your APK/Split APKs on your device. - Filter APKs by date (today yesterday last 7 days last 14 days and last 30 days). - Filter APKs by extension (apks aspk xapk and apkm). - Filter APKs by version status (newer version older version). - Sort APKs by name folder APK size modified date target SDK version code (ascending or descending). No more third party File explorer to lookup your APK. - Search APK by name or package name. - Extract APK detail information (APK permissions APK signatures and other APK information) before installing. - Hash Checker: verify APK by checking its md5/sha-1/sha-256 to make sure your copy version of APK is safe to install. - Install regular APK (universal APK). - Install split APKs: .aspk .apks .xapk .apkm - Identify APK installation problems. - Share APK files or just play store link. - Compare APK/APP or APK/APK so that you have a chance to know what changed in the newer/older version. - Be able to select APK scan folders to optimize scanning process. - Rename multiple APK files (with advanced options).. - Delete multiple APK files. - Sign APK with v1 and v2 scheme. My APK could be used as a simple security scanner tool to detect apps/apks which has ad sensitive permissions. This feature is called Advanced search. Built-in tools: - Device info: View basic information about your device. - Deep link tester: Verify your deep link to see if it works when clicking on the link from other apps or browsers. Want to help in localization?. Contribute here: This version does not require root permission APK (not aok) means Android package. Contact us: Website: Facebook: Twitter:

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