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5.9 GMS-243864 (build 243864000) 
7.2 MiB
Publish Date
5.00 (4)
Minimum OS
Android 7.0
MicroG RE v5.9 [Xtra Mod] MicroG fork designed for ReVanced apps with beautiful design and improvements. Vanced MicroG is a remodified Version of Official MicroG to provide Account Support in Vanced Apps like Youtube Vanced & Vanced Music. microG GmsCore is a FLOSS (Free/Libre Open Source Software) framework to allow applications designed for Google Play Services to run on systems, where Play Services is not available. This fork tweaks MicroG to be usable by applications that require Google authentication such as Youtube Vanced. Notable changes ● No longer a system app ● Package name changed from to to support installation alongside the official MicroG ● Removed unnecessary features: Ads Analytics Car Droidguard Exposure-Notifications Feedback Firebase Games Maps Recovery Registering app permissions SafetyNet Self-Check Search TapAndPay Wallet Wear-Api ● Removed all permissions, as none are required for Google authentication Team Vanced used MicroG Project as base to create a NonRoot Google Login Support in Their YT Vanced & YT Music Vanced Mods, Naming it Vanced MicroG (A Nonroot Running Fork of MicroG) VMG worked for a long time After vanced died, even for ReVanced Apps (A Rebirth of Vanced Project). Later, It stopped working as its GMS Version was too Old, So It gets updated unofficially by Inotia00 for some time. But Google started showing issues with it. So Revanced Team Made their Own Fork based on Latest MicroG Project & named it reVanced MicroG, which is more stable and working fine. [Posted here as Default Version] YT advanced forked it and brought some fixes like huawei & other non google device support. But those fixes were brought to the main source aka Revanced MicroG so VMG Yt advanced fork is on Hold for Now. WSTxda forked the YT Advanced gmscore Project & Continued it with his own material theming, fixes & GMS Upgrade time to time, Naming it MicroG RE What's New: MicroG RE Bump GMS version to 24.38.64 Fixed Self-Check fragment issues and paddings Fixed WebView dark theme not follow system theme correctly Revert "Disable hide icon in launcher after click on Huawei button" Improve some layout things and fixes Changes in typography and fonts in preferences Added Italian translations by @0xrxL Added Indonesian (Bahasa) translations by @okkidwi Small strings translations changes Enable gradle build cache GmsCore Account settings: Allow profile picture page (microg#2535) Account Settings: Take product name into MyActivity page (microg#2491) SafeParcelProcessor: Fix code generator (microg#2525) Push: Fix ask push permission dialog SafeParcel: Mark processor as incremental Improve log of service request Bump gradle/actions from 3 to 4 This app has no advertisements ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

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