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Android 5.0
Shortcut for android This app is used to manage your android device shortcuts, you can bookmark them and put them on your home screen You can manage shortcuts: Application Installed app on your phone Split screen Create shortcuts from apps on the home screen to launch two apps directly in split-screen mode. Photo/video/audio/document files in your phone Internal link Quickly launch page in app to save time In-app Create shortcut in specified app Tools Create shortcuts to commonly used tools (search box, download directory, stopwatch, alarm, call, space cleanup, voice recorder, power consumption, ringtone) System settings Various settings of your phone (Language, Default home app, Date and time, Battery saver, Developer options, App manager, Location, VR, Access point names, Notification access, Print, Android Beam, Privacy, Advanced Wi-Fi, Connections, Change system settings, VPN, Assistant, Biometrics and security, Default apps, Appear on top, Storage, Network operator, Mobile networks, Fingerprint, Screen saver, Data usage,Closed captioning,Keyboard,Wallpaper,Audio effect,Password,Display,Bluetooth,About phone,Accounts,WLAN,Sound and vibration,NFC,Broadcast setting,Accessibility,Tap and pay, Airplane mode) Instagram Quickly launch a page in Instagram(Create a post, reels, story cam, news, directly, explore, my profile, theme, activity) Twitter Quickly launch a page in Twitter (Tweet, QR code, Live, Messages, Camera, Explore, Lists, Search, Account, Connect People, Followed Topics, Trends, Settings) Facebook Quickly launch a page in Facebook (Code Generator, Live, Nearby, Notifications, Events, Requests ,Notes,Groups,New message,Friends,Profile) Youtube Put your favorite youtube/youtuber/vloger channel on the desktop and directly open it to watch Icon Changer Customize app icon,We have integrated tens of thousands of icons and styles, as well as a universal icon editor. DocumentsUI shortcut On some Android™ devices, the file manager is already available on the system. We didn't even pass it as name files, so we developed a shortcut to open it directly in the file manager Info Mod : No Ads

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