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original paid apps. ******************************************** ** NEWS ** ** iQuran will now be sold for a fraction of its original price, down to $1.99 from $6.99. InshAllah ** the new price effectively makes iQuran 'free' as it now reflect only some of the costs we need to cover for ** the fast and excellent audio download service we provide. We thank you for your support all these years. ** BarakAllahufikum and Ramadan Kareem. ******************************************** Read the Holy Quran in Arabic alongside its translation. Provides verse by verse audio playback, color coded Tajweed, repeat functions, unlimited bookmarks, search, excellent navigational controls, several translations and reciters and much more. NOTE: Permission to "read phone state" is only required in order to pause recitation in case the phone rings or in case you place a call while recitation is playing in the background. With iQuran you enjoy: * Color coded Tajweed (Pronunciation) Rules, the first and only Qur'an software to offer live rendered Tajweed rules. * Zoom-in feature to enlarge Arabic script * Full landscape support * Unlimited bookmarks and tags with notes * Several translations * Quranic Supplications * A powerful full-text search engine * Several downloadable recitations for verse by verse recital (supports gapless/continuous recitation for all reciters except Husary) * Powerful audio controls with an option to group playback of verses to aid in memorization iQuran provides the following translations: * English & Transliteration * German * French * Indonesian * Urdu (requires OS 3.0+) * Farsi (requires OS 3.0+) * Melayu * Spanish * Turkish * Russian * Bosnian * Dutch * Italian * Albanian * Romanian * Japanese Included reciters are: * Sheikh Husary * Mishary Al-Afasy * Saood & Shuraim * Abu Bakr Ash-Shatree * Abdul Basit * Ghamdi * Mahir Al-Muayqali iQuran has been designed to work on all Android devices.

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