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Reddit Jarc

Reddit Jarc


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Uploaded by
Andrei (Makmok)
Version (build 2830116) 
6.4 MiB
Publish Date
Minimum OS
Android 5.0
Просто еще один клиент Reddit JARC for Reddit is a the app for browsing The Front Page of the Internet - JARC for reddit aims to provide you with the best and up-to-date reddit experience. JARC for Reddt highlights: - A beautiful and modern Material Design - Great implementation of post preview in the cards supporting selftext, images and videos - Instagram Reels-styled view - Managing your subreddits: subscriptions, favoriting, allowing to create, edit and delete your Custom feed - Advanced Query Builder which will help you to make the search on Reddit more precise - Support of most popular content providers such as Reddit itself, imgur, gfycat, YouTube - Night theme with AMOLED support and auto night mode - Fast access to posts in any subreddit or by authors just by simplest tap on it's name in the card in the list - Slideshow mode allows you to read the next / previous post by swiping your fingers to the side on the details screen - Save media content on your device or make a wallpaper with a post's image right in the app - Get daily updated trending subreddits on the Main screen to keep abreast of what is happening in the world - Read all kinds of the messages in your Inbox: direct messages, replies to your post / commeents, mentions etc. - Keep your feed always fresh with "Hide Read posts" settings - Mark post as read directly in the list or when you open a comments screen - Make your feed animated with allowing play videos in the list of the posts - And more! Head on over to /r/jarc for news and discussion on the app! 📱 Android: 5.0+ 🌐 Language: English 📥 Size: ~30 MB

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