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Менеджер паролей, шифрование файлов и текста. Описание: ● Менеджер паролей, шифратор текста и файлов все в одном. ● Храните и управляйте своими паролями в защищенной базе данных. Есть возможность импорта и экспорта. ● Храните свои сообщения или текст недоступными для чужих глаз. Есть возможность прятать текст в изображениях (стеганография). ● Вы можете шифровать файлы или папки. ● Вам будут доступны алгоритмы шифрования : AES, RC6, Serpent, Blowfish, Twofish, ГОСТ-28147, Threefish (в Pro версии), SHACAL-2 (в Pro версии). ● Это проект с открытым исходным кодом. Русский интерфейс: Да Secret Space Encryptor (S.S.E.) Universal encryption app - File Encryption, Text Encryption and Password Manager apps are integrated in the all-in-one solution. ➤ File Encryptor: Securely encrypt your private and confidential files or whole folders. 🎥 ~ basic file encryption video tutorial: ➤ Text Encryptor: Keep your messages, notes, cryptocurrency keys (seeds, mnemonics), and other text information safe from unwanted readers. Use the internal database or just copy/paste to/from your favorite applications. A password is set for the current encryption/decryption session, and you may have an unlimited number of passwords for any purpose (notes, emails, social networking, communication with persons A, B, C, …). 🎥 ~ text encryption video tutorial: ➤ Password Vault: Store and manage all passwords, PINs, and notes in one secure place protected by one master password. Import/Export function is available (compressed, fully encrypted .pwv file format or unencrypted, editable .xml file format). ⬥ Algorithms: Everything is encrypted using strong encryption algorithms: AES (Rijndael) 256bit, RC6 256bit, Serpent 256bit, Blowfish 448bit, Twofish 256bit, GOST 256bit + Threefish 1024bit and SHACAL-2 512bit (for S.S.E. Pro Version) ciphers are available. ⬥ Steganography: Text Encryptor contains a steganographic feature (concealing a text within an image - JPG). A steganographic algorithm (F5 algorithm) is used in combination with chosen symmetric cipher algorithm to make a final steganogram (JPEG image). ⬥ Other Utils: Password Generator, Clipboard Cleaner, Algorithm Benchmark, … ⬥ Minimal permissions. No ads. ⬥ Cross-platform desktop versions (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, …) of Text Encryptor and File Encryptor are available on: ⬥ Paranoia Text Encryption for iOS (iPhone/iPad/iPod) is available. ⬥ An online (web-based) version of Text Encryptor (AES, client-side JavaScript) is available on: This software is Open Source project – we have nothing to hide, so you can have securely hidden everything you need. Source codes: Formats specifications: More: If you notice any problems with this application, you are welcome to contact us via email. Comments do not allow us to communicate to you properly. ★★★ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ★★★ Issue: File Encryptor - My file(s) are still visible after the encryption. Answer: SSE File Encryptor works as an archiver (a new .enc file is created). You can delete/wipe the original file(s) after the encryption process is completed or it can be done automatically: Settings: File Encryptor → Wipe Source After Encryption Issue: Android 4.4 and higher - File Encryptor - External SD card (or USB drive) is read only (or isn't visible). Answer: Android 4.4 doesn't allow write access to the external SD card to any app except for preinstalled apps (preinstalled by device, or system image manufacturer). We can do nothing about this issue. The only solution is to root your device and change permissions ( for example: ) or upgrade to Android 5+ and use SAF mode ( ). Alternatively - Use the following directory (on your external SD card): Android/data/ The app should have write permissions in this folder. ★★★ !!! MORE FAQ !!! ★★★

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