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Remapper for Disney+

Remapper for Disney+


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1.0.1 (build 2) 
743.1 KiB
Publish Date
Minimum OS
Android 5.0
REMAPPER FOR DISNEY After you enter the commands above and press enter/run after each command, you should see the word “Success” appear after a few seconds. You have now installed the Remapper app correctly. Launch it by pressing the corresponding app button on your remote. It may take a few seconds to launch the first time. Select the app that you want to be launched when the app button on your remote is pressed. Note that the list may contian some preinstalled system apps that are not actually launchable. Select the “EXIT” button and you’re done. The app button on your remote should now open the app that you selected in the previous step. If you ever need to change the selected app, you can rest the Remapper app by quickly pressing the corresponding remote app button repeatedly, about 5 to 10 times. Alternatively, you can also reset the Remapper app by going to Settings > Applications > Manage Installed Applications, selecting the Remapper app, and then selecting Clear Data. If you ever want to remove the remapping or use the app buttons actual app, simply uninstall the Remapper app. You’re done. If you want to clean up leftover files that you don’t need, you can go back into the Remote ADB app, connect to as before, and then enter the command rm /data/local/tmp/*.apk You can also go into the Downloader app and delete the Remapper APK and the Remote ADB APK that you downloaded. You may also uninstall the Remote ADB app, if you’d like. Lastly, you may go into your Fire TV settings and disable ADB Debugging, which is recommended.

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