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Image Toolbox

Image Toolbox


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3.2.0-rc01 (build 168) 
39.6 MiB
Publish Date
Art & Design
5.00 (1)
Minimum OS
Android 5.0
Image Toolbox is an powerful picture editor, which can crop, apply filters, add some drawing, erase background, edit EXIF or even create PDF file ✨ Features Batch processing Applying filter chains (More than 160 various filters) Available filters AES-256 GCM No Padding files encryption and decryption Extract Text From Images 120+ languages 3 Type of data: Fast, Standard, Best Segmentation Mode Selection Multiple languages at the same time EXIF metadata editing/deleting Loading images from internet Image Stitching Background Removal By drawing Automatic Watermarking By Text By Image Drawing on Image/Background Pen Neon Highlighter Privacy Blur Pixelation Paint Pointing Arrow Line Double Pointing Arrow Line Pointing Arrow Double Line Pointing Arrow Outlined Rect Outlined Oval Rect Oval Lasso Image Resizing Width changing Height changing Adaptive resize Resize retaining aspect ratio Resize by given limits Center Crop with Background color changing Background blur drawing Different Scaling Algorhytms Bilinear Nearest Neighbour Bicubic Mitchell Lanczos Catmull Hermite Spline BSpline Hann GIF conversion GIF to images Images to GIF APNG conversion APNG to images Images to APNG JXL transcoding JXL to JPEG JPEG to JXL Animated JXL conversion Images to JXL JXL to Images APNG to JXL GIF to JXL Image Shrinking Quality compressing Preset shrinking Reducing size by given weight (in KB) Cropping Regular crop Crop by aspect ratio Crop with shape mask Rounded Corners Cut Corners Oval Squircle Octagon Rounded Pentagon Clover Material Star Kotlin Logo Small Material Star Heart Enhanced Heart Star Image Mask Tracing raster images to SVG Format Conversion HEIF HEIC AVIF WEBP JPEG JPG PNG Lossless PNG Lossy MozJpeg Jpegli JXL SVG and GIF to WEBP, PNG, JPEG, JPG, HEIF, HEIC, AVIF, JXL Telegram sticker PNG format Files to Zip Comparing images Slide Toggle Tap Transparency Side By Side Color Utils Palette generation Material You Scheme Simple Colors Picking color from image Gradient creation Overlaying image with gradient Image source selection Additional Features Rotating Flipping Previewing SVG, GIF and mostly all types of images Saving to any specific folder Randomizing output filename Embedded media picker And More!

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