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Android 7.0
SMS and MMS. Do you want a super -navigable alternative to the standard SMS/MMS application for Android? Well, today is your day. Join the SMS-revolution of the Chomp, numbering more than 10 million! ChOMP is supplied with many remarkable functions, in particular, by blocking the password, confidentiality parameters planned by sending SMS (reminders, wishes of birthday), stopping the text during sending, consolidating the chosen, backup, black list / lock, signatures, text fragments , a pop-up window with a quick response (even on the lock screen), multifaceted photo gallery, two SIM cards, improved MMS and Group messages and much more .... Plus, unlimited settings when receiving messages: Change in notifications LEDs, melodies of the call and vibration templates. In Chompp, you can also configure the screen color, font style, text size and background pattern. Come on, give him trinkets! Get all the last emoticons in the style of Android, Twitter, Joypixels + iOS, including diversity (skin shade). Just choose the preferred emoji style and express yourself! New: Function to mark as unread. Just click and hold the record in the list of conversations and select "Mark as unread." The conversation will remain unread until you open it. Great for not to forget about something later! Try Chump SMS today! This is quite special. Full compatibility with Pushbullet, Mightytext, Android Wear and Android Auto (car) for advanced notifications and quick response. All Chompp functions are free forever. From time to time you will see advertising, or you can make a single purchase in the application to remove advertising forever. Support, knowledge base and feedback @ Information about fashion: Unlocked professional/paid functions; Unwanted permits + receivers + suppliers + services are disabled/removed; Optimized and smoothed graphics and purified resources for quick loading; Advertising permits / services / suppliers are removed from Androidmanifest; Advertising links are removed, and the call methods are canceled; The visibility of advertising layouts is disabled; The check of the installation package Google Play Store is disabled; The debug code is deleted; Delete the names of the default tags for the corresponding Java files; Analytics/Crashlytics are disabled; Languages: full support of several languages; Processors: ARMEABI-V7A, ARM64-V8A, X86, X86_X64; Screen resolution: 120 dpi, 160 dpi, 240 dpi, 320 dpi, 480 dpi, 640 dpi; The original signature of the package is changed;

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