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Nekogram X

Nekogram X


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8.5.4-rc01 (build 580) 
67.5 MiB
Publish Date
Minimum OS
Android 4.1
Nekogram X — это полноценный опен-сурсный клиент для телеграм, имеющий огромное количество возможностей, приватность и шифрование (к шифрованию отношу — OpenPGP и встроенные Shadowsocks и trojan прокси). Также, свой встроеннный переводчик — нет, не тот, что постоянно передаёт твои данные, лишь гугловский. Вообще, нет, их здесь уйму, можно воспользоваться тем же DeepL, Yandex и любым сторонним переводчиком. Можно полностью изменить интерфейс под себя, не только под себя и многое другое... Это только малейшая часть тех самых возможностей! Открытый исходный код представлен в GitHub: Если случилась проблема, или вы заметили ошибку в клиенте, может и хотите что-то предложить, то всё это можно сделать здесь: Список всех изменений: Поддержать разработчика за все его труды можно тут:, ~~~~ NekoX is an third-party Telegram client, based on Telegram-FOSS with features added. - Most of Nekogram's features - Unlimited login accounts - OpenCC Chinese Convert - Built-in VMess, Shadowsocks, SSR, Trojan-GFW proxies support - Built-in public proxy list / Proxy subscription support - Ipv6 MTProxy support - Able to parse all proxy subscription format: SIP008, ssr, v2rayN, vmess1, shit ios app formats, clash config and more - Proxies import and export, remarks, speed measurement, sorting, delete unusable nodes, etc - Scan the QR code (any link, can add a proxy) - The ( vmess / vmess1 / ss / ssr / trojan ) proxy link in the message can be clicked - Allow auto-disabling proxy when VPN is enabled - Proxy automatic switcher - Add stickers without sticker pack - Allow disabling vibration - Allow clicking on links in self profile - Sticker set list backup / restore / share - Full InstantView translation support - Translation support for selected text on input and in messages - Delete all messages in group - Dialog sorting is optional "Unread and can be prioritized for reminding" etc - Allow to skip "regret within five seconds" - Unblock all users support - Login via QR code - Scan and confirm the login QR code directly - Allow clearing app data - Option to not send comment first when forwarding - Option to use nekox chat input menu: replace record button with a menu which contains an switch to control link preview (enabled by default) - Option to disable link preview by default: to prevent the server from knowing that the link is shared through Telegram. - Option to ignore Android-only content restrictions (except for the Play Store version). - OpenKeychain client (sign / verify / decrypt / import) - Google Cloud Translate / Yandex.Translate support - Custom cache directory (supports external storage) - Custom app ID and Hash (optional NekoX / Android / Android X or Manual input) - Custom server (official, test DC) - Keep the original file name when downloading files - View the data center you belong to when you don't have an avatar - Proxies, groups, channels, sticker packs are able to shared as QR codes - Force English emoji keywords to be loaded - Add "@Name" when long-pressing @user option - Enhanced notification service, optional version without Google Services - Don't alert "Proxy unavailable" for non-current account - Option to block others from starting a secret chat with you - Allow creation of group without invite - Option to upgrade group to supergroup - Mark dialogs as read using tab menu - Improved session dialog - Improved link long click menu - Improved hide messages from blocked users feature - Text replacer - Persian calendar support - Option to disable trending - Telegram X style menu for unpinning messages - Built-in Material Design themes / Telegram X style icons - Enabled set auto delete timer option for private chats and private groups - Don't process cleanup draft events after opening chat - Support saving multiple selected messages to Saved Messages - Support unpinning multiple selected messages - View stats option for messages - And more :) Anti-Feature: Non-Free Network, since the servers run proprietary software. The official source code of the app contains binary blobs, so this tracks a fork which builds those from source. Hence, versions might become available with a certain lag.

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