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Neo Backup

Neo Backup


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8.2.4 (build 8207) 
5.3 MiB
Publish Date
Minimum OS
Android 8.0
BACKUPS HAS NEW VARIABLE: making new backups incompatible with old versions of OABX SCHEDULES REVAMPED: schedules will be deleted on update and old exports aren't usable UI Add: Theming engine Add: Transition animations Add: Elevation/shadows to UI (viewable in light theme) Add: PrimaryDark color to system's navigation bar Update: Revamp UI (Material design 3 & new icons set) Update: Replace the snackbar with a simple text on top of activity and appsheet Fix: Crashing on changing theme Fix: Sort/Filter and Blocklist buttons colliding with lower dpi Function Add: Media files backup Add: Randomized IV for the Cipher Update: TargetSDK 30 Update: Exclude cache size from data size Fix: Postpone chmod to do it after restore (@hg42) Fix: Special characters in ls output and quoting(@hg42x) Fix: Sorting by data size Fix: Improved exception handling with TarUtils (@hg42) Fix: Firefox restore (@hg42) Fix: Including uninstalled apps in scheduled backups Usability/UX Add: Extras [Note and Tags] Add: Blocklist shortcut to all navigation fragments Add: Animated placeholders while loading apps' list Add: Schedule special filter for old apps Add: Disabled apps filter Add: Backup all updated apps button Add: Support for countries' specific locales Add languages: Chinese(traditional/Taiwan), Portuguese(Brazil), Lithuanian. Update translations: Chinese(simplified), Vietnamese, Ukrainian, Russian, Arabic, German, French, Polish, Norwegian, Italian, Swedish. Update: Automate locals generation Update: Revamp app's navigation (Activities and Fragments) Update: Revamp filters and modes Update: Improve readability of app's info in app sheet Update: More informative error messages Update: Grey out encryption password preferences instead of hiding it Remove: Main special filter split Remove: Info shortcut from Main fragments Fix: Hide Navigation Bar while in tools

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