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SimplyTranslate Mobile

SimplyTranslate Mobile


Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Uploaded by
Silent Miqo
1.4.3 (build 12) 
20.3 MiB
Publish Date
Minimum OS
Android 5.0
Many people have been using GoogleTranslate up to this point. The problem is that they logged in with their Google account, either from the same IP that is currently associated with their account, or somehow else tied the translations to their identity. Sometimes there's no problem with this. Other times there is. For example, when browsing Wikipedia. Corporations will know what diseases you have, your political and religious views, your sexual preferences. That's why German geek Metalune created a proxy service for safe use of GoogleTranslate. With Simply Translate, a person connects to one of the instances (servers) and requests a translation. The server sends the request to GoogleTranslate, receives the result and sends it to the user. In this case, the corporation knows only about the SimpleTranslate instance's request to it. Since many people use the alternative service, this is an additional protection. And if a person makes a request to a random instance every time (this feature is built into the application), the protection will become even stronger. At the moment, there is no instant translation of documents through the camera. Same issue with speech. They should be implemented on instances first. Only then should we expect them to appear in Simply Translate. The author promises to help Metalune with this. • Support for 108 languages. • Text-to-Speech (TTS - Text-To-Speech). • Can retrieve text from other applications. • Translate button in menu for selected text. • Automatically selects a random instance for each request. • Updated official list of SimplyTranslate instances. • Adding custom instances. • Dark theme. • Text recognition via camera.

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