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Text Tools

Text Tools


Uploaded by
Silent Miqo
1.3.1 (build 14) 
3.2 MiB
Publish Date
Minimum OS
Android 11.0
Useful text related functions that can be done on the selected text. Collection of useful text related tools that can be accessed from the context menu that appears on text selection. The feature list will keep on growing. Let me know if you have any ideas. Current Features 1. Text unsaved numbers in WhatsApp - Often we find ourselves needing to text/send file/share location to someone for temporary purposes (if you ask me, I face this a lot in situations where I go to a printing centre where they ask me to share the file that I want to print over WhatsApp, so I have to save their contact, refresh my WhatsApp contact list and then send them). Having a context menu option to directly open a WhatsApp chat from their phone number would save a lot of time and keep your phonebook clean, right? 2. Evaluate mathematical expressions inline - We may often find ourselves to mathematically calculate something while texting someone (probably while making plans). Having an option to perform math calculations in line without needing to open calculator could save time. Where are screenshots? The app adds capabilities to text selection wherever supported in the Android System, there is nothing much to do inside the app, hence very less screenshots. Installation Warning While installing the app (you have to sideload), Google Play may block the installation saying it has never seen the app before. While it is true (from Google Play POV), kindly proceed with installing the app. If you have doubts about the app being malicious, you are free to verify the same from the source code (it would not be open-source if the app was malicious in the first place, right?).

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