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Uploaded by
Silent Miqo
1.0.0-alpha-6 (build 777) 
6.2 MiB
Publish Date
Minimum OS
Android 9.0
Android client for This project is a work in progress. It may contain bugs, slow code or even features. Use at your own risk, but it is harmless as this client is mostly read-only :-) e926 is also supported, but there's no switch in settings, i.e. rebuild required, although you can decompile, change url and assemble back. It is complicated though. This project is mostly in stable state, but there's no releases because there's no big enough changes. Get latest snapshot here (select last passed workflow and see artifacts). Keep in mind that snapshot builds aren't compatible with release builds (they use different signing keys), but you can reinstall if you want. The roadmap for the next release (I think it will be beta release) is approximately this. It may be appended or anything, it is just an estimate of required features that may pop up in my memory before hitting "publish" button. Features TL;DR you can browse, search and save ("Favorite" button) posts and view wiki. This client is mostly read-only and has some harmless bugs. Search posts Search by arbitrary tags You can use ~ (OR), - (NOT) and meta-tags (for example, type:png), as tags sent to the API almost as is. Underscores are hidden and instead replaced with spaces in UI. UI to sort search results (order meta-tag) UI to filter by rating (safe-questionable-explicit) UI to filter by file type Search favourites Server-side Local "Micro-search" (fast local search though current results) Safe mode on search and posts screen (i.e. you can open explicit post from your browser, but cannot open in through search within app), enabled by default with disclaimer on disable. Autocomplete tags Authorization by API key Authorization by regular username and password (I'm not sure it won't break ToS, but it is possible without any difficulty... I think) Blacklisting Fancy UI to configure blacklist Support for extended syntax (still incubating) Hiding posts at the click of button Analyzing hidden posts to build new blacklist entries? (just an idea, it is not planned yet) Favorites Add and remove View Post screen Comments Read Formatting (but issues are still there, especially with old posts like from 2010) Write Tags Add to/exclude from search View wiki Formatting Up/down score Possibility to make changes visible to another users, like tag editing, commenting etc It is planned, but not in priority Basic SOCKS5 proxy support. WARNING: it will fall back to direct connection if proxy is unreachable in any way Preference to control fall back behavior File types supported: JPG PNG GIF WEBM MP4

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