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Uploaded by
Silent Miqo
Version (build 7120) 
16.3 MiB
Publish Date
Minimum OS
Android 8.0
PhoneProfilesPlus allows automatically or with one click configuring the device for life situations (at home, at work, in your car, sleep outside, ...). Please report me bugs, comments and suggestions to my mail. Speed up the especially bug fixes. Thank you very much. Features: for phones and tablets navigation panel - click on title icon or swipe from left to right (Editor) navigation panel - you can change who you can see on Editor: Profiles, Events and what will by filtered navigation panel - for Events you can change order of events in list source profile add, edit, duplicate, delete profiles and events (Editor) activating profile with click from popup window (Activator) notifications: status bar, toast, notification icons style application theme - light/dark widgets - icon, one row, profile list shortcut into profile "drag and drop" profiles reordering (Editor) import/export profiles preferences into sdcard who will by launched (Activator, Editor) from home screen, widgets, notification global enabling/disabling of events start Profile features: ringer mode, sound volume, speakerphone, sounds, airplane mode, automatic data synchronization, mobile data, network type, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, NFC, screen timeout, screen brightness, screen auto-rotation, run application, launcher wallpaper, lockscreen on/off, wi-fi hotspot, lock device, connect to SSID Events features: priority, profile which will by activated on start/end, ignore manual profile activation, sound notification, undo profile activated before start of event, event start delay event types: time, calendar, battery, call, accessories, WiFi (SSID), Screen (on/off), Bluetooth, SMS, Notifications, Applications, Location, Orientation, Mobile cells, NFC tags, Radios, Alarm clock.

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