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Android 5.0
Enjoy the unlimited number of video on YouTube without annoying advertising, ruting and additional plugins. The background reproduction is supported! VancedTube is an application that allows you to enjoy an unlimited number of video on YouTube without annoying advertising. - Watch millions of funny videos and look for your favorite YouTube channels and influential people. - Block annoying advertising without spending a penny. - Improve your impressions of viewing using the functions of background playback and “picture in the picture”. - It does not require root and additional plugins. Enjoy the unlimited number of YouTube video for free in Vancedtube! Block all advertising: VancedTube APK will help you block all advertising in YouTube. Install now Enjoy the unlimited number of YouTube video without advertising with Vancedtube! Functions: No advertising in the middle of the video Musical background player for YouTube, Instagram, Tiktok No need to install other plugins, such as Microg, an expanded manager The maximum video resolution is on the default. Reproduction mode of pop -up windows add to the bookmarks your favorite videos and music: 1. Vanced YouTube - Video Player is a third -party Tube API. Video content comes from the API Services. 2. Vanced YouTube corresponds to the conditions of use of the API Changes: ✪ Tencent Royal Security Protection is removed; ✪ All advertising is removed and disabled; ✪ Cleaned all useless files and folders; ✪ Pure video exchange: no advertisements or application links; ✪ Fast search function is disabled (it can be turned on in the notifications settings); ✪ Advertising links are removed and cause NULL; ✪ All trackers and undesirable permits from Androidmanifest are removed; ✪ compatibility with AOSP (without Google); ✪ Analysts and billing services are disabled; ✪ by default it is allowed to open the links of YouTube and YouTube Music; ✪ no / no active advertising and tracks; ✪ A surfacing update window is disabled; ✪ fully black topic Amoled; ✪ CW changed to improve the user interface; ✪ optimized and purified resources; ✪ All debugging information has been deleted; ✪ processors: ARMEABI-V7A and ARM64-V8A; ✪ Languages: full multilingual;

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