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Easy WaterMark

Easy WaterMark


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2.8.0 (build 20801) 
2.7 MiB
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Android 5.1
Безопасно и быстро добавляйте водяной знак на свои конфиденциальные фотографии, чтобы предотвратить утечку и использование злоумышленниками. -Чистое автономное локальное приложение, открытый исходный код, просто посмотрите -Горизонтальный и вертикальный интервал можно отрегулировать, а цвет можно изменить от светлого к темному -Свободное вращение размера и угла, текст и изображение могут быть отмечены - Водяной знак повторяется на всем изображении, и плохим парням сложно удалить водяной знак. Русский интерфейс нет Бесплатно на github Андроид 5.1.1+ --------------------------- Securely, easily add a watermark to your sensitive photos. To prevent them from being leaked or exploited by the BAD GUY. Of course, it is also suitable for making emojis. After all, it supports image watermarking with very ghostly effects. Vertical and horizontal spacing can be adjusted, the color of light and dark change at will. Rotate freely in all sizes and angles, text and pictures can be printed. The watermark repeats all over the picture, and it’s a little hard for the bad guys to remove it. You can use it however you want. It is more suitable for situations where you need to submit a photo ID, a hand-held photo ID or a sensitive photo. ● Characteristics ○ Exciting 👓 • Purely offline local applications , code to see on open source. • Vertical and horizontal spacing can be adjusted, the color of light and dark change at will. • Rotate freely in all sizes and angles, text and pictures can be printed. • The watermark repeats all over the picture, and it's a little hard for the bad guys to remove it. • Seriously (pushes up glasses) • Security. ° The code is completely open source and feel free to FORK your won, ;) ° Pure offline, no need to worry about your photos being leaked. Users with API >= 29 don't even need to request any permissions. (28 and below users need to approve for storage permissions to access and store photos) ° There are no stats, tracking, Device IDs, or even crash reporting (so if you got a crash, please share the crash info with us >_<). ° We've given up all third-party tracking SDK and various stats just so you can use it with confidence. What's yours is yours. • Layout: support for horizontal and vertical intervals between the watermark, automatically repeat the full picture. • Style: font color, font style, transparency, font size, and rotation angle are included. • Content: Support text watermark and image watermark (or says stickers). Open-source avaliable in GitHub:

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