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Uploaded by
Silent Miqo
31.0 (build 31) 
4.3 MiB
Publish Date
Minimum OS
Android 4.1
OpenContacts is fully encrypted calls and contacts, not shared with anyone, also without internet, trackers and open source. (All imports of contacts are done by vcf. files, where contacts are supposed to be stored). Even if we have no problem sharing our cell phone number with all third parties, people in our phone book may have problems. We shouldn't share their contact information online. This app stores contacts in its own database separately from android contacts. This way, no other app can access the contacts. It can be used instead of the standard phone app (dialer). It can import contacts from vCard files. So we can export Android contacts and import them into this app. Keeps a call log. Also shows the caller's name when a call is received. This app saves contacts in its own database, separate from android contacts. Thus, no other app can access the contacts. Can be used instead of the standard phone app (dialer). We can export / import contacts from any application of this kind to OpenContacts. Keeps a call log, as the Android call log app will not be able to show the contact's name. If you find a new problem / improvement / suggestion. Please feel free to bring it up and together we can make our experience with this app great. In case you had to share some personal information for debugging, you can use the telegram group to share it. Or you can message me directly from the telegram group. • Contribute via code • In case you want to write a feature, you can do the following steps • Open the code base in Android studio • Create a branch with the name of the function Write the function • Test it yourself Pull request for merge. • Our community will test the function, do some basic code reviews, and voila - your pull merge request will be merged. Open source: All bugs/problems/side effects and many other things that confuse you about OpenContacts can also be expressed and discussed here: List of all changes: All languages into which OpenContacts is translated, or languages into which you can translate OpenContacts and thus support the developers: F-Droid:

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