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4.40.08 (build 44008) 
17.5 MiB
Publish Date
5.00 (1)
Minimum OS
Android 7.0
X-plore File Manager v4.40.08 [MOD] [ROOT] X-plore can display shared folders on other computers in LAN (local area network). The system allows access to shared folders on computers connected to LAN, or even remote server if it supports SMB protocol. X-plore can access various web storage "Cloud" servers, and access their files. You need to have account in supported web service, then you can access your files stored online through X-plore. Supported is also SSH File Transfer (SFTP) and Terminal shell emulator. Main operations are related to managing files and folders - viewing, copying, moving, deleting, compressing to Zip, extracting, renaming, sharing, and more. Picasa albums X-plore can list images in Picasa albums, download them, create albums, upload and delete photos, edit captions. SQLite database viewer X-plore can show SQLite database files (those with .db extension) as expandable list of tables, each table containing list of rows and columns with database entries. Main interaction is done by touch screen, clicking on folders or files to open files, or long-click to open context menu which contains options which can be done on particular clicked item, or multiple selected items. Multi-selection allows to do operation on more files at once. Files can be selected by clicking check box. It is also possible to select all files in a folder, or clear selection, by clicking parent folder's check box. Opening file may mean to use one of built-in viewer for most popular file types: images, audio, video and text. Or you may configure X-plore to use system application for opening files, in which case system-predefined application that can open particular file is launched. Archives (currently supported are Zip, Rar and 7zip) are displayed as other folders. Additional interaction is possible by button bar, which is between two panes, and is fully configurable.

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