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10,000 sentences

10,000 sentences


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0.3.4 (build 60) 
3.9 MiB
Publish Date
Minimum OS
Android 4.4
The idea is to go through 10,000 sentences in a language you learn. First you will see a sentence in a language you known and then you must guess the words of the same sentence in your target language. By exposing you to unknown words in a real context (a sentence) you will slowly (but steadily) increase your vocabulary size. At the moment the app has 12 languages, but more can be added easily. The sentences are ordered by complexity (more common words and shorter sentences first). The sentences collections are extracted from the Tatoeba collection (licensed under CC-BY 2.0). Text-to-speech is available for some languages (depending on your Android phone and version). All words can be opened directly in Google Translate or AnkiDroid (or any other flashcard or spaced repetition app). Each sentence can be under one of the following statuses: TODO -- meaning that you haven't exercised with them DONE -- meaning that you guessed all words correctly REPEAT -- meaning that you tried, but failed, to guess words correctly. The sentence will be retried (shown in quizzes) until you succeed in guessing it. IGNORE -- meaning that you decided you don't want this sentence to show in your quizzes The app will allow only a certain number of REPEAT sentences. If you reach that number, no new sentences will be shown to you. Only when you fix REPEAT sentences (i.e. succeed in guessing all the words), new ones will be available for you.

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