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Breezy Weather

Breezy Weather


Uploaded by
Silent Miqo
4.6.14-beta (build 40614) 
10.7 MiB
Publish Date
Minimum OS
Android 5.0
Breezy Weather is a free and open-source Android weather app, forked from Geometric Weather, adding new features, providers, modernizing code, fixing bugs, updating dependencies for security reasons, etc., while keep having a smooth user and developer experience in mind. In the app, you'll find: Real-time weather conditions (Temperature, Feels like, Wind, UV index, Humidity, Dew point, Atmospheric pressure, Visibility, Cloud cover, Ceiling) Daily and hourly forecasts up to 16 days (Temperature, Air quality, Wind, UV index, Precipitation) Precipitation in the next hour Air quality, allergen and ephemeris information Severe weather and precipitation alerts The app has a strong focus on design, with a simple, clean UX, smooth animations, and Material Design all over, plus lots of customizability: Automatic dark mode Custom icon packs Large selection of home screen widgets for at-a-glance information Live wallpaper Current supported weather providers: Open-Meteo AccuWeather MET Norway OpenWeatherMap Météo France Mixed China providers This app requests a number of permissions; some required, some optional. Required permissions: Network (ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, ACCESS_WIFI_STATE, INTERNET): Allows the app to fetch weather data from providers over the Internet Background updates (RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED, WAKE_LOCK, FOREGROUND_SERVICE, SET_ALARM): Allows the app to refresh weather data in the background Tile (EXPAND_STATUS_BAR): Allows the app to launch itself from Quick Settings Optional permissions: Location (ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION, ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION): Allows the app to show weather in your current location Storage (READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE): Allows the app to set the live weather wallpaper and/or widgets on some devices Ignore battery optimizations (REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS): Prevents the app from being killed in the background. Potentially more reliable method for fetching background weather data on some devices Read phone state (READ_PHONE_STATE): Required by an app dependency: not actually used, but can't be removed. It's okay to never enable this. Anti-feature: Non-Free Assets: Logo is part of the branding of Breezy Weather and you are only allowed to re-use it under specific terms (see license additional terms for more info).

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