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5.00 (2)
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Android 6.0
Google Photos is the official Google gallery app, thanks to which you can easily manage all your photos and videos. All the multimedia content stored in the application will be automatically backed up in the cloud, since all users have 15GB of storage totally free of charge. Thanks to this, you will never again have to worry about losing your favorite photos. From the main tab of Google Photos you will be able to take a look at all your photographs and videos, perfectly ordered chronologically and accompanied by their date. By swiping up and down you can go back in time to consult old photos. However, if what you want to do is view very old multimedia content, simply slide your finger near the right edge of the screen: this way you can go back several years quickly, being able to find your old photos in a matter of seconds. Speaking of finding photos, one of the most useful tools in Google Photos can be found in the search tab. In this tab you will not only have all your photos and videos divided into folders by places, things or people, but you can also use the search box to find any specific item that you have photographed on occasion. For example, if you know that a few months ago you took a picture of a pizza that you really liked, but you do not remember in which restaurant, simply search for the word 'pizza' and the app will show you all the images and videos in which this dish appears. With this method, you can find virtually any place, thing or person you have photographed. Although Google Photos creates albums automatically with the different cities you visit, people, pets and things, users can also create their own customized albums. This feature is especially useful when importing old photographs that have been scanned. Thus, you can create a personalized folder with all your childhood photos, or with all the photos from your university days, and so on. One of the lesser-known features of Google Photos is its physical product store. This store can be accessed by clicking on the button in the upper left corner of the interface. From here you will be able to choose the number of photographs you want, to create a physical album that will arrive in your mailbox after a couple of weeks. You can also have individual photographs printed and even buy large prints to hang at home. Google Photos is much more than just a photo gallery app. It is a real multimedia center from which you can manage your memories and, what is almost as important, from which you can share your memories with everyone you want. The application is also perfectly integrated with the Android operating system and automatically synchronizes with your online gallery, which of course can be accessed from any browser.

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