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Silent Miqo
0.10.0 (build 33) 
11.9 MiB
Publish Date
Minimum OS
Android 7.0
FindMyDevice is an open-source replacement for Google's Find My Device. So, an explanation of how this app came to be: Once, Nulide lost his new phone. And since, he didn't use Google Play Services (Just wanted to feel freer, completely disconnected from Google's tracking), he couldn't find it, so he was out of it. In the hope that it wouldn't happen again, the developer made this app, which can locate your phone via SMS. Once it is installed, you can enter several entries into a list of phone numbers that can be used to locate the device. Just send an SMS with the text "fmd" to get information on how to locate the phone. ◇ Usage ◇ You can control FMD (and thus your phone) either via SMS or via FMD Server. You send a command to the phone (e.g. "fmd ring") and the phone executes it. For SMS you can either define a list of trusted contacts (phone numbers) that are allowed to send commands. Or you can set a PIN to allow anonymous usage. Then non-trusted phone numbers can also send commands by including the PIN in the message. This is useful because now if you loose your phone, you can ask a random person for help to wipe your phone remotely. If you simply text "fmd" to your phone FMD will reply with a text listing the available commands. With FMD Server you get a web interface to send commands, to view the location of your device on a map, and to view pictures taken by the device. You can self-host FMD Server. See here for more details: ✦ Disclaimer ✦ This app is provided on a best effort basis. We hope it is useful, we use it ourselves, but this is a hobby project and we can't guarantee that it will work when you need it the most. ☆ Functions ☆ • Locate your phone via SMS or cellular location • Locking the phone • Making a call • Delete phone • Take pictures with the device's camera to see its surroundings ♤ WARNING ♤ This app is still in beta! If this app doesn't work, it's not the developer's fault, it's the fault of unidentified issues and missing lines that weren't in the right place. Nulide tries its best to develop the app, but it still has to work regularly, which is why the app itself won't develop, at such a strong pace. Open source: And, if you have any questions about some problems/errors, you can contact here: List of all changes: If you want to support the developer financially, his wallet is here: F-Droid:

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