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1.8.1 (build 108010004) 
42.7 MiB
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5.00 (1)
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Android 7.0
YTDLnis Downloader v1.8.1 [FINAL] [ARM64] YTDLnis is a video/audio downloader for Android using yt-dlp . Features: ● download audio/video files from more than 1000 websites ● download playlists or multi select items ● queue downloads and schedule them by date and time ● use custom commands and templates or go full terminal mode ● cut videos based on timestamps and video chapters (This yt-dlp feature is experimental on the original project) ● remove sponsorblock chapters ● embed subtitles/metadata/chapters etc ● modify metadata such as title and author ● split item into separate files depending on its chapters ● select different download formats ● process multiple items before download ● quick share card right from the share menu ● search or insert a link from the app ● log downloads ● re-download cancelled or failed downloads ● incognito mode when you don't want to save a download history ● download multiple items at the same time ● change preferred audio/video formats and qualities ● Material You interface ● MVVM Architecture w/ WorkManager ● easy to use ● Implemented pagination in the History screen to help with large lists ● Added delete all for each page in the download queue screen ● Added accessing Terminal from the shortcuts menu of the app ● Made the download notifications grouped together ● Fixed app crashing when pressing the log of a download but the log has been deleted ● Fixed app crashing when queueing long list of items in the download queue ● Added ability to mass re-download items from the history screen ● Made the app remember the last used scheduled time so it can suggest you that time for the next download ● #618, made all preferences with a description show their values ● Fixed bug that prevented app from loading all urls from text file ● Added ability to stop an observed source but not delete it Custom yt-dlp source Now you can create your own yt-dlp source the app can update to. The app is running yt-dlp --update-to user/repo@latest where user/repo is provided by you through the app. The default 3 sources are still there ofc. Advanced Settings Added a new category for more advanced users and moved the extractor argument settings there. ● Added ability to make command templates usable while fetching data in the home screen. They will be appended to the data fetching command as an extra command in the end. Enable the toggle in the advanced settings to be able to configure your templates for it ● When PO Token is set, the app now adds the web extractor argument for youtube. I forgor... ● (If you want to set more PO tokens for other player clients i guess set them in the other extractor argument text preference, and also modify the player client. The separate PO Token preference applies it only for the web player client) Write Info Json Added ability to write info json when downloading so when you resume and restart downloads, it will not download the webpage and player clients all over again. It will help prevent you making unnecessary calls to the server. On advanced settings you can turn this off if you want. I coded it be available for the next 5 hours. Considering formats tend to expire on some extractors, i dont want the download to be unusable. This is a rare use case, one of them being you starting a download, it saves the info json and you cancel it and you remember to start it again, maybe tomorrow lol. Formats most likely expired, download item is useless. So in that case it will redownload the the webpage and player clients again, and it will save a new info file aswell no problem. More Home recommendation options Now you can select to have more youtube feeds in the home screen from yt-dlp ● watch later playlist ● recommendations ● liked videos ● watch history Since the option has been overhauled to put every home recommendation option in a single list-view preference, the preference has been reset so u have to change it again if you had changed it. This app has no advertisements

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