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Uploaded by
Silent Miqo
1.7.2 (build 107020000) 
115.2 MiB
Publish Date
5.00 (2)
Minimum OS
Android 6.0
YTDLnis lets you download audio/video files from more than 1000 websites, and offers a lot of features. For example: process playlists - edit every playlist item separately just like in a normal download item. - select a common format for all items and/or select multiple audio formats in case you are downloading them as a video - select a download path for all items - select a filename template for all items - batch update download type to audio/video/custom command in one click - queue downloads and schedule them by date and time - you can also schedule multiple items at the same time - download multiple items at the same time - use custom commands and templates or go full yt-dlp mode with a built in terminal - you can backup and restore templates, so you can share with your buddies COOKIES support - Log in with your accounts and download private/unavailable videos, unlock premium formats etc. Different ways of modifying the file - cut videos based on timestamps and video chapters (This yt-dlp feature is experimental on the original project) - you can make unlimited cuts - remove sponsorblock elements from the item - embed them as a chapters in your video - embed subtitles/metadata/chapters etc - modify metadata such as title and author - split item into separate files depending on its chapters - select different download formats Other features - bottom card right from the share menu, no need to open the app - you can create a txt file and fill it with links/playlists/search queries separate by a new line and the app will process them - search or insert a link from the app - you can stack searches so you can process them at the same time - log downloads in case of problems - re-download cancelled or failed downloads - you can use gestures to swipe left to redownload and right to delete - you can long click the redownload button in the details sheet to show the download card for more functionality - incognito mode when you don't want to save a download history or logs - quick download mode - download immediately without having to wait for data to process. Turn off the bottom card and it will instantly start - open / share downloaded files right from the finished notification - most yt-dlp features are implemented, suggestions are welcome - Material You interface - Theming options - Backup and restore features. (Almost everything can be backed up) - MVVM Architecture w/ WorkManager

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