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Modder Hub

Modder Hub


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2.1.1-MT (build 4999) 
15.1 MiB
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Android 5.0
best app for Android Application Reverse Engeneering for Android Platform 🙏 Please note , Modder Hub may show as virus in some newer Android system (11 + ) which is totally fake .. And please ignore such fake detection if you really want and love to use Modder Hub for Android reverse engineering ❤️ ~~Made with ❤️ from 🇮🇳~~ 💥Features: 1) Toast Maker (Simple Toast, Base64 Toast, Animated Toast, Gradient Toast) 2) Dialog Maker (Simple Dialog, Base64 Dialog, Animated Dialog, Animated (CheckBox) Dialog, Expiration Dialog, Floating Dialog, iOS Dialog) 3 ) Login Interface Maker(One Device, One app, One Key) 4) Any Dialog Patcher (Patch Any Dialog Box in to your modded app) 5) Notification Maker (Simple Notification, Update Notification (VIP) 6) Update Dialog V1 and V2 (Send Real Time Mod Update) only For VIP user 7) Java to Smali coverter (Make Multiple Project, can create multiple java classes, can detect multiple jar , and can compile multiple java with real time view of Smali ) 8) Java Console (This function can be found in Java2Smali) only fro VIP User 9) Binary XML Decompiler with no limit (For editing and compiling available only for VIP users) 10) Kill Apk Signature Verification with different different methods 11) Create pk8 and pem for apk signing useful for both Modder Hub and without VIP MT Manager 12) Jks to pk8 and pem coverter 13) Apk Protector Inc. some protection like Interest checker, vpn checker etc . (Only for VIP users) 14) Apk Encryptor (Dex Packer : pack Dex file and Resources confusion (Beta)) 15) Apk Cloner(Beta) 16) Apk Dex Strings Decrypter 17) Logcat injection: view live exception (VIP) 18) Apks to apk converter 19) Encode Decode Plugin Function (Need to download various Encryption and Decryption algorithm) 20) Java Byte Encryption 21) Dex Tool : Dex to Java Converter , Dex Splitter, Dex Decrypter, Dex Batch Delete, Dex Encryptor 22) Jar Tool : Jar to Java Converter and Jar to Dex Conversion enhanced version (Supported in Android 8+ Devices) only for VIP user 23) Class Tool : class file to java converter 24) Smali Tools : Smali to java converter, Smali to Dex Converter, Smali Folder to Dex Converter (VIP) , Smali file to Frida Script (.js) converter, Smali File to method flow diagram 25) Smali Tools(VIP) : Smali to java Direct Mode (You can use it during MT Manager Dex editing ) , Smali to Method Flow Diagram Direct View (Use it during MT manager Dex editing) 26) File Manager for searching files with extension and can Delete batch Delete etc.. 27) Real Time Analysis (View Live Time Date, Here you can convert Date to Milli second+ Smali Milli Second Hex , You can convert Milli Second to Current Date format 28) Elf (.so ) file String and method editor 29) Smali Helper (Smali Function Usage) 30) Base Converter (Dec to hex , Dec to oct, Dec to bin ,Dec to ASCII and vice versa) 31) Floating Color Picker 32) Check Full Device Information Inc bettery health 33) You can download Different different modding tools with latest and recommend versions 34) Apk Editor Patches 35) MT Manager Exclusive and some important Regex codes .. useful for modifying ad codes in Smali 36) A number java codes are available on Online Java Codes 37) You can check Tutorials of Modder Hub Usage (Click three dots => More => Tutorials ) and Here can search different different videos ✍️ If you are interested in VIP Modder Hub then you can simply register your Gmail or email in Modder Hub (Click Profile Icon) then please visit Buy VIP activity in ModderHub here you need to read all the instructions (What to do line ) then send all the required data to the Developer Email which is mentioned there.. If you have any issues regarding ModderHub Suppose Modder Hub crash problem or any bug reports then you can simply mail us on (Only it's official) 👉 Please attach the debug file in email which is saved in sdcard/Modder Hub/Modder Hub_CrashLog.log 🙏 * Released By DevilSixteen

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