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Termux Monet

Termux Monet


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0.119.0+42f1469 (build 119) 
4.9 MiB
Publish Date
Minimum OS
Android 11.0
ā„¢[ Latest Build APK From GitHub ] āœ“. [Hotfix2] [Build] Modification by Daredevilx šŸ‡¹šŸ‡­ ARM 64 latest termux-bootstrap update $ [ ARM64-V8A ] Termux is a terminal emulator application with a large set of command line utilities and extensive collections of Linux packages and repositories, ported to Android OS. The main goal is to provide mobile device users with a Linux command line experience without the need for rooting or other special settings. ā—‹ Features ā— ā€¢ Enjoy the Bash and Zsh shells. ā€¢ Edit files with nano and vim. ā€¢ Access servers via SSH. ā€¢ Compile C/C++ code with clang. ā€¢ Use the Python console as a pocket calculator. ā€¢ Validate projects with Git and Subversion. ā€¢ Run text games with frotz. When you first start up, a small basic system is set up. GNU Bash, Coreutils, Findutils and other basic utilities are available out of the box. In addition, we provide over 1000 other packages installed with the 'pkg' utility, which is currently the interface to the 'apt' package manager. All provided software has been patched and compiled with the Android NDK to ensure maximum compatibility with the Android OS. To learn more tips and tricks on using the applications, long press anywhere on the terminal and select the Help menu item to access the Termux Wiki. This resource is also available directly in your web browser: You can discuss termux problems / bugs in Gitter / Discord, and generally wherever you feel most comfortable. ā–  Mod Information ā–  Mod by Ruby Showlight ā€¢ The app does not appear in the "Share / Open with..." menu. Could get very annoying, especially when installing new apps when Termux was suggested by the installer :blink: . ā€¢ Removed Help and Report activities. ā€¢ Removed debug code and crash reports. ā€¢ Minimal translation to Russian. Only what is always visible. ā€¢ Removed unnecessary items from context menu and settings. ā€¢ Dark theme in settings. ā€¢ Slightly optimized resources. ā€¢ Signed with developer's key. Official website ā€” Open source code ā€” List of all changes: Wiki:

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