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YouTube ReVanced Advanced

YouTube ReVanced Advanced


Uploaded by
18.32.39 (build 1539440064) 
147.3 MiB
Publish Date
Minimum OS
Android 8.0
➤ ReVanced ReX Patches v2.188.2 Latest - Bug Fixes ● youtube/alternative-video-thumbnails: Only can be included for Youtube (7aaba99) ● SponsorBlock: Some setting cannot be imported/exported YT-Advanced/YT-Advanced#47 ● youtube/custom-filter: Wrong description YT-Advanced/YT-Advanced#55 ● youtube/shorts: Exclude optimize-resource by default YT-Advanced/YT-Advanced#49 - Features ● youtube: Add support v18.32.36, v18.32.39 (e028129) Misc ● Update translation ➤ ReVanced ReX Integrations v0.117.1 Latest - Bug Fixes ● SponsorBlock: Some setting cannot be imported/exported YT-Advanced/YT-Advanced#47 ➤ ReVanced Extended Cli v2.22.2 Latest ● build: update dependencies ● build: move to official Google smali fork ● build: move to maven central apktool fork ● build: move to maven central revanced-patcher fork ※ support --unsigned and --rip-lib commands #j-hc/revanced-cli ➠ It's based on the latest ReVanced ReX features, bug fixes and optimizations for YouTube app. ➠ Applied patches: Bypass ambient mode restrictions, Change homepage, Custom branding icon Revancify red, Custom branding YouTube name, Custom double tap length, Custom package name, Custom playback speed, Custom seekbar color, Default playback speed, Default video quality, Disable auto captions, Disable haptic feedback, Disable hdr video, Disable pip notification, Disable QUIC protocol, Disable Shorts on startup, Enable compact controls overlay, Enable debug logging, Enable external browser, Enable minimized playback, Enable new comment popup panels, Enable new splash animation, Enable new thumbnail preview, Enable old quality layout, Enable open links directly, Enable seekbar tapping, Enable tablet mini player, Enable tablet navigation bar, Enable time stamps speed, Enable wide search bar, Header switch, Hide account menu, Hide auto player popup panels, Hide autoplay button, Hide autoplay preview, Hide button container, Hide captions button, Hide cast button, Hide category bar, Hide channel avatar section, Hide channel watermark, Hide collapse button, Hide comment component, Hide crowdfunding box, Hide description components, Hide end screen cards, Hide end screen overlay, Hide feed flyout panel, Hide filmstrip overlay, Hide floating microphone, Hide fullscreen panels, Hide general ads, Hide handle, Hide info cards, Hide latest videos button, Hide layout components, Hide load more button, Hide mix playlists, Hide music button, Hide navigation buttons, Hide navigation label, Hide player button background, Hide player flyout panel, Hide player overlay filter, Hide previous next button, Hide quick actions, Hide seek message, Hide seekbar, Hide shorts components, Hide snack bar, Hide speed overlay, Hide suggested actions, Hide suggested video overlay, Hide suggestions shelf, Hide time stamp, Hide tooltip content, Hide trending searches, Hide video ads, Language switch, Layout switch, MaterialYou, MicroG support, Optimize resource, Overlay buttons, Return YouTube Dislike, Settings, Sponsorblock, Spoof app version, Spoof player parameters, Swipe controls, Theme, Translations ➠ V2 Original Icon without the following patches: Add splash animation, Custom branding YouTube name, Custom branding icon mmt, Custom branding icon Revancify blue, Custom branding icon Revancify red, Custom package name, Disable landscape mode, Enable debug logging, Force opus codec, Force vp9 codec, Force hide player button background, Force premium heading, Hide double tap overlay filter ➡ Package name: ➡ Languages: Full Multi Languages ➡ CPU architectures: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64 ➡ Screen DPIs: 120dpi, 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi ➠ Non-Root variant, MicroG is required ➠ How to Install: • First install MicroG • Then install YouTube ReVanced • Open YouTube ReVanced • Log in to your Google account Note: If you experience playback issues, Uninstall microG by clearing data and cache and re-install it. Open YouTube ReVanced (It may crash on first launch) go to Settings ➤ ReVanced Extended ➤ Miscellaneous ➤ Open MicroG ➤ Google device registration and switch off "Register device" Go to ReVanced Extended settings ➤ Miscellanous and enable "Spoof player parameter" and "Spoof player parameter type" ➡ credit Hoàng Gia Bảo, inotia00, ReVanced Team, j-hc, DevilSixteen

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