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YouTube Premium

YouTube Premium


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18.05.35 (build 1535892928) 
53.8 MiB
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Video Players & Editors
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Android 8.0
YouTube ReVanced v18.05.35 Premium_lite ➤ ReVanced Extended Patches v2.159.4 Latest YouTube add Hide browse store button settings inotia00/ReVanced_Extended#228 fix: Hide live chat button (player) setting removed live chat button in button container inotia00/ReVanced_Extended#225 refactor: Return YouTube Dislike now support Shorts video inotia00/ReVanced_Extended#193 refactor: Hide paid promotion setting now removes includes paid promotion banner in Shorts player refactor: Disable pip mode in shorts player (Experimental Flags) setting crowdin translation update Arabic, Bengali, Chinese Simplified, French, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Brazilian, Spanish, Vietnamese ETC add suport YouTube v18.05.34 ci: reflect official changes ci: set node version and update dependencies refactor(revanced-integrations): output file now follows the official releases format (app-release-unsigned.apk → revanced-integrations-0.95.4.apk) ※ Compatible ReVanced Manager: v0.0.54 ※ If you want to contribute to the translation, refer below [Crowdin translation] european countries other countries ➤ ReVanced Extended Integrations v0.95.4 Latest bump v0.95.4 ➤ ReVanced Extended Cli v2.20.2 Latest bump v2.20.0 Reflect commit in j-hc/revanced-cli ➠ It's based on the latest ReVanced Extended features, bug fixes and optimizations for YouTube app (with Return Youtube Dislike, SponsorBlock and ReVanced Extend settings). ➠ Applied patches: hide-general-ads, hide-info-cards, hide-live-chat-button, hide-mix-playlists, hide-next-prev-button, hide-pip-notification, hide-player-captions-button, hide-player-overlay-filter, hide-shorts-button, hide-shorts-component, hide-snackbar, hide-startup-shorts-player, hide-stories, hide-suggested-actions, hide-time-and-seekbar, hide-tooltip-content, hide-video-ads, layout-switch, materialyou, microg-support, optimize-resource, overlay-buttons, patch-options, remove-player-button-background, return-youtube-dislike, settings, sponsorblock, swipe-controls, theme, translations, client-spoof, custom-branding-icon-afn-red, custom-branding-name, custom-seekbar-color, custom-video-speed, default-video-quality, default-video-speed, disable-haptic-feedback, disable-shorts-player-pip, enable-external-browser, enable-minimized-playback, enable-old-layout, enable-old-quality-layout, enable-open-links-directly, enable-seekbar-tapping, enable-tablet-miniplayer, enable-wide-searchbar, force-premium-heading, force-vp9-codec, header-switch, hide-auto-captions, hide-auto-player-popup-panels, hide-autoplay-button, hide-button-container, hide-cast-button, hide-channel-watermark, hide-comment-component, hide-create-button, hide-crowdfunding-box, hide-email-address, hide-endscreen-cards, hide-endscreen-overlay, hide-filmstrip-overlay, hide-flyout-panel, hide-fullscreen-panels ➡ Package name: ➡ Languages: Full Multi Languages ➡ CPU architectures: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64 ➡ Screen DPIs: 120dpi, 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi ➠ Non-Root variant, MicroG is required ➠ How to Install: • First install MicroG • Then install YouTube ReVanced • Open YouTube ReVanced • Log in to your Google account

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